I have owned Dungeon Crawl Classics for several years. Back in 2012 or '13, I ran a character funnel that we had a lot of fun with. For those of you unfamiliar with DCC, the funnel goes something like this:
Each player rolls up four 0-level characters. 3d6 in order. Each gets 1d4 hit points. Each rolls a random occupation, which gives them a weapon and a trade good. Most weapons are some sort of farm implement or tool, as most of these 0-level commoners are farmers, tradesmen and the like. No one has a class yet. You get a random amount of copper pieces.
The large amount of PCs are presented with a problem, quest or other adventure. They march into the teeth of adventure, mostly to die horribly and in great numbers while combatting whatever foe or foes are arrayed against their band. When the dust clears, hopefully each player has at least one 0-level survivor, who then becomes a 1st-level adventurer with a class. The classes are Warrior, Wizard, Thief, Cleric, Dwarf, Elf and Halfling. That's right, demihumans are classes not races, just like in D&D Basic.
I love this game. The idea was to create a game that plays like 1974 is said to have played. My take on it is this - John Boorman's Excalibur is what we wish Arthurian stuff was like. It was really more Roman-esque with rusty chain mail. House Kurita, in Battletech, tries to be so much like Feudal Japan that it's more like an idealized Toshiro Mifune film than real Feudal Japan ever was. So it is with Dungeon Crawl Classics. This is all the stories, legends and rumors of 1974 turned up to 11, Spinal Tap style.
Each class has some unique mechanics that set DCC apart from other D20-derived games and the OSR/Retroclone movement. But each of these innovative mechanics are designed to increase the feel the authors were going for. Warriors have the Deed Die, added to attack and damage rolls, that allows them to pull off maneuvers that are similar to Feats, but not limited in the way Feats are. The Deed Die becomes a larger die as the Warrior levels. Dwarves share this ability, and add others with Dwarven flavor. Elves don't get the Deed die, but can cast like Wizards. Wizards know a limited number of spells, but can cast them all day long- with one caveat. Each time a Wizard casts, the spellcasting roll determines the effect of the spell. A Magic Missile can do 1 point of damage, or 4d12, or many other things based on the roll. A failed casting roll means loss of the spell for that day- or worse. Corruption happens when unfortunate spellcasting dice are rolled. This means that arcane spell use is a trap leading down a path of eventual corruption. Wizards can also Spellburn - that is, burn points of ability scores to add oomph to casting. These points are gone until the PC spends a day without using any Spellburn. Then they begin to regenerate.
Clerics can likewise fail casting rolls and anger their deity. Each time dissaproval happens, the chance for it to continue to happen gets larger. On the other hand, turning undead and healing are constant powers that can be done repeatedly- at the risk of disapproval. Theives and Halflings get bonuses to their use of the Luck attribute, which can be burned to add to dice. While normal PCs add Luck to die rolls on a point-for-point basis and do not normally regenerate Luck once spent, Thieves and Halflings regenerate Luck each night, and add 1d3 or more for each point burned. Oh! Thief skills are front-loaded differently based on the Alignment of the Thief.
There are spell tables to determine what happens when spellcasting rolls are made. There are various critical hit tables based on the martial ability of various PCs. The tools at Purple Sorcerer Games are GREAT, as is their Crawler app for phones and tablets. These can help roll up characters, look up tables, heck the Crawler app puts most important rule lookups right on your phone.
Now, DCC does use some unusual dice. d3, d5, d7, d14, d16, d24 and d30 all make appearances. These dice can be purchased as sets from Goodman Games, and you can also find just the really odd ones from Koplow, among other manufacturers.
So, why am I so taken with this game? I'll begin by saying that the 0-level funnel is amusing, but it's not what draws me to DCC. What makes me love this game is the gleeful old-schoolness it encourages while having a relatively modernized rules set. The Deed Die is a great example. It allows Warriors to try just about anything. They pitch a Mighty Deed of Arms, an the GM tells them to roll - if the deed die comes up 3 or better and the GM doesn't think the player is overdoing it, the Deed comes off. More difficult deeds could have higher Deed Die targets, and plenty of examples are given in the book. The net result is encouraging players to be creative and dramatic while not making them pick 172 feats to be able to do what they do.
Each unique mechanical system reinforces this style of play. Mages and Corruption are very Conan-esque. Magic is a scary, unpredictable thing and even those who traffic in it with the best of intentions run the risk of falling to corruption. The way Clerical healing works is likewise evocative - different or opposed alignments are more difficult to cure. Heal someone of your own faith and it's relatively easy. Heal someone of an opposing one, and the healing is less effective.
I played this at North Texas RPG Con with Jim Wampler, who is currently running a Kickstarter for the Gamma-World/DCC mashup that is Mutant Crawl Classics. His adventure was a Sword & Planet style game very much in the vein of Gamma World, or Thundarr, or John Carter meets Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. My friend Aaron and I sat down to play - my first game of DCC as a player - and we had a blast. The character abilities were conducive to coming up with extremely creative ways to deal with problems. So creative that we found the "back way" into the adventure location and hit the boss fight first thing! It took every kind of twist and push of applications of our abilities to survive that encounter so early in the game, but survive we did (mostly) and solve the mystery thereafter. The style of play was GREAT. It was like an RPG set on the side of a 70s van painted with Boris Vallejo art... or maybe a Molly Hatchet album cover.
I asked myself if this would still be as much fun at home, so I purchased a DCC module that incorporated the XCrawl setting - Dungeonbattle Brooklyn. In XCrawl, you're basically doing reality TV competitive live-action live-steel D&D. I ran it on the evening of my 41st birthday. My players and I had a BLAST. Everything that clicked for me at the con clicked for me at this game from the other side of the GM screen. I couldn't wait to try running it again... and so I will.
I made myself a promise to expand my gaming horizons. To that end, I've started what I call Saturday Night Specials. I run my regular games for my game club at our meetings 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month. But when things wrap up, we grab dinner and I run another game session in the evening. The theory is I can introduce people to many different games this way, and break myself out of my rut. The first SNS was Marvel Superheroes by request - and it was a blast. The second, occurring in two days from this writing, will be DCC. I'll be running the same module I played at NTRPGCON this time - Synthetic Swordsmen of the Purple Planet. I can't wait.
This. Will. Be. Awesome.
The ramblings of an unrepentant tabletop gamer dealing with life, parenthood, gaming... pretty much whatever enters his addled brain.
30 June 2016
09 June 2016
North Texas RPG Con 2016 - What It Meant to The Old Dragoon
This time last week I was preparing to play through the Dungeons of Dracula at North Texas RPG Con 2016.
For me, last week's convention helped underscore something it's taken
years for me to really internalize. My first NTRPGCON was 2015, for my
40th birthday, and it was the single greatest convention-type event I'd
ever attended. I didn't know if this year would repeat the experience.
Maybe it was just that I was turning 40 and needed a midlife crisis
convention. Maybe it was because I had some of my best friends in the
world along with me. This year couldn't possibly be as awesome as last
year, could it?
Yeah, it was. Maybe even moreso.
When Bobby and I walked into the con Thursday morning, we immediately started running into people who remembered us from the previous year. Not just Austin folk who'd also made the trek, but other members of the NTRPGCON community. It was welcoming. It was affirming. It was a place I felt I belonged perhaps more than I have belonged anywhere at any time in my life. And that made me think. Why the hell have I always had to be apologetic about my interests to people outside the gamer community?
Growing up, I wasn't exactly a good fit with my family. I didn't get to see much of my Dad's side after the divorce, and my Mom's side of the family was comprised of folks who just didn't get me at all. I didn't hunt, didn't fish, didn't watch football, I was famously told I couldn't drive a nail with a stick shift. My bookishness and interest in sci-fi and fantasy were pretty roundly ridiculed at every turn. My dad's side of the family regarded me with something like amused curiosity - they didn't get me either, but at least they appreciated my creativity and supported my strange and different interests.
In school, I fit in with the misfits. I finally found my niche in the summer of 1986 when I discovered tabletop gaming. Daniel Varner, wherever you are, I owe you one. I discovered my lifelong fascination with games, simulations and writing. Our small conclave of geeks explored the Keep on the Borderlands, we Boldly Went where No Man has Gone Before, we ran the Death Star Trench and the dark streets of Seattle and Night City. We may have been picked on, shunned, and otherwise rendered social outcasts, but we'd found each other through our passion for storytelling.
By the time I graduated High School, though I didn't realize it until my 20th Reunion, I was more everyone's favorite eccentric geek than an outcast, but that still didn't get me on the guest list to all the good parties. My Friday nights were rolling dice and weaving tales of heroism with friends who, in some cases, I still roll dice with today. Many of my RRHS classmates have stories about that time at that party, mine are about exploring dank catacombs or running from the corporate cops after a datasteal.
In college, I found that my hobbies had prepared me well for my ROTC courses. Thanks to being a Twilight:2000 and Morrow Project player I was familiar with NATO and Warsaw Pact equipment, even to the point of knowing the Russian language names for most of their armored vehicles. This impressed my instructors. My PT scores did not, but I scraped by. I thought I'd found my niche in life- until I got diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and my hopes of an ROTC scholarship were dashed.
One would think a geek like myself would fit in with an organization like STARFLEET - The International Star Trek Fan Association. I did well in SFI, but always felt a bit apart due to the martial manner in which I approached my service. It impressed some, and alienated others. Later, I would serve for a year in the Texas State Guard where I had the opposite problem- my military bearing was a plus, but my status as a non-prior-service member and my struggles with my weight held me back. Not to mention what I now know was an epic example of overconfidence on my part with my work load. I just couldn't do it all at once - so why was I trying?
I've come to understand it's expectations and duty. My family's expectations. Society's expectations. Hell, my own expectations. I actually didn't respect myself very much until the day I swore into the Guard. It's a citizen's duty to serve, I've always told myself, and until the day I could render that service I felt less than complete. Duty is the other part of the equation. My duty to my wife, to my children, to keeping the household running and even to my friends as their club president who is charged with making sure they're entertained two Saturdays a month.
Becoming a Dad had a lot of impact on me. I learned depths of love and selflessness I had never realized were part of my makeup. I learned what stretching myself thin REALLY was, because I had just returned to college mere months before becoming a father of two overnight. I learned that I am not invincible. I learned that I can break. I did.
Thanks to two wonderful counselors, I've started to put myself back together. I've started asking what makes me happy, and that answer is fairly simple. Fatherhood, and gaming. The former is self-explanatory. The latter perhaps bears some elaboration as those who are not gamers might not understand how something that sounds, on the surface, so trivial could be so central to a human's happiness.
Gaming is a creative endeavor. It allows me an outlet through which to express those things I cannot express in any other way. It's sort of like how the original Star Trek could talk about racism or the Vietnam War. Gaming is a social endeavor. My best and closest friends all roll dice with me. Gaming creates a community, and a unique kind of bond that exists nowhere else. The gamers I play with tend to be pretty inclusive - we don't care about your ethnicity, political party, or any other traditionally divisive personal factor.
This is why North Texas RPG Con means so much to me. I used to attend Star Trek conventions, and the Trek and massive Comic Cons of today are money-making juggernauts. People pay money to stand in line to pay money again to get autographs from the actors. I used to dig that quite a bit. But NTRPGCON is different. At NT, I'm not standing in line for autographs and maybe a word or two with an actor. I'm sitting at a table playing with the folks who wrote and illustrated the games I grew up with. The owner of the con, BadMike, is said to lose money on it every year. He runs the con for the love of the community and the original creators who attend the event.
I walk into that hotel, and I'm surrounded by kindred spirits. I get them, they get me. In four days of gaming I roll dice with seven tables worth of people, all of which I have a blast with. We're all comrades in the love of the game, and what's more, we're all celebrating the men and women that made those games happen and in many cases playing alongside them. I've thanked more than one for the products they wrote that thirty years ago back at Chisholm Trail Middle School gave me a place to fit in when I didn't fit in anywhere else.
Last year I met Frank Mentzer and Larry Elmore, the writer and illustrator of the Red Box, the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set, that got me started in the hobby in 1986. This year, I bought a copy of the Red Box to hand down to Zane, and had Frank autograph it for me. He told me that it meant a lot to him to have parents tell him that his game, all these years later, is being taught to the kids of the original generation for which it was written. Well, Frank, it meant a lot to me to have something to turn my creative and imaginative energies to when they weren't all that appreciated anywhere else. And it's an honor to have been able to thank you in person, and toss dice with you last year.
So what is it it's taken me all these years and all these words to realize? That there is zero shame in being a grown-assed adult who rolls dice for fun. That nobody's opinion but my own and that of my fellow gamers matter when it comes to how I spend my spare time and energy. I've spent 30 years putting up with disapproving opinions on my chosen hobby. Why? I don't see the point of a lot of other people's hobbies- but if they enjoy them, more power to them. And so it is with me.
How different is it for me to be able to tell tales my friends and I have collaboratively crafted thirty years after they occurred than it is for any other devotee of any other hobby to share their "fish stories?" What makes any pastime any more valid than any other?
So, NTRPGCON has inspired me. I found a community that I finally fit into without reservation. A group of creative minds that are all there for the same hobby that carried me through what would otherwise have been a pretty bleak adolescence. I can safely ignore the derision and insults of my family and others when I think about crawling wearily to bed after midnight and looking across the atrium to see my friend Dennis rolling up a character and getting ready for a game that took him past 3AM. Dennis, you see, is 76, a PhD, and published author. So... folks who don't think gamers amount to much? You can all stuff it.
Job #1 is Raise My Kids Right. But I've been told that I can't take care of my family unless I take care of myself. So I'm going to do both. Gaming keeps me happy. It also gives me a great tool for inspiring my kids to read, do math, and creatively problem solve. I am so gratified that the high school that used to accuse us of gambling for having dice at lunch now has an actual tabletop gaming club. Zane is learning to read more thanks to our tabletop games, and choose-your-own-adventure books. I'm hoping Kaylee follows suit with a love of reading and adventure.
North Texas RPG Con took me to my happy place two years in a row, and I'm already planning my triumphant return next year with two (or more!) game sessions to run. I want to give back to the con some of the fun it has given others, and GMing a few games will help in that regard.
I am actually feeling pretty content for the first time in ages. My writing is possibly taking off in the next year. My teaching career is set to begin in August or January. Zane and Kaylee are learning, growing and learning to overcome their own issues. Zane has been having a blast at Tae Kwon Do camp. Things are falling into place and I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that I *like* who I am. I didn't turn out to be a career soldier like I thought I would when I was a kid - but that's OK. I'm a dad, and that's the most important job in the world. I'm a teacher, both of my hobbies and as an (adjunct) profession. I'm a creator of worlds and a teller of tales. Nothing makes me smile so much as to hear one of my friends remembering one of the amazing adventures we've had together over the decades.
So, yeah. I'm still working on my weight, and my anxiety/depression, but I'm pretty damn happy to be me for the first time in a good long while. And I'll see you all at the game table.

Yeah, it was. Maybe even moreso.
When Bobby and I walked into the con Thursday morning, we immediately started running into people who remembered us from the previous year. Not just Austin folk who'd also made the trek, but other members of the NTRPGCON community. It was welcoming. It was affirming. It was a place I felt I belonged perhaps more than I have belonged anywhere at any time in my life. And that made me think. Why the hell have I always had to be apologetic about my interests to people outside the gamer community?
Growing up, I wasn't exactly a good fit with my family. I didn't get to see much of my Dad's side after the divorce, and my Mom's side of the family was comprised of folks who just didn't get me at all. I didn't hunt, didn't fish, didn't watch football, I was famously told I couldn't drive a nail with a stick shift. My bookishness and interest in sci-fi and fantasy were pretty roundly ridiculed at every turn. My dad's side of the family regarded me with something like amused curiosity - they didn't get me either, but at least they appreciated my creativity and supported my strange and different interests.
In school, I fit in with the misfits. I finally found my niche in the summer of 1986 when I discovered tabletop gaming. Daniel Varner, wherever you are, I owe you one. I discovered my lifelong fascination with games, simulations and writing. Our small conclave of geeks explored the Keep on the Borderlands, we Boldly Went where No Man has Gone Before, we ran the Death Star Trench and the dark streets of Seattle and Night City. We may have been picked on, shunned, and otherwise rendered social outcasts, but we'd found each other through our passion for storytelling.
By the time I graduated High School, though I didn't realize it until my 20th Reunion, I was more everyone's favorite eccentric geek than an outcast, but that still didn't get me on the guest list to all the good parties. My Friday nights were rolling dice and weaving tales of heroism with friends who, in some cases, I still roll dice with today. Many of my RRHS classmates have stories about that time at that party, mine are about exploring dank catacombs or running from the corporate cops after a datasteal.
In college, I found that my hobbies had prepared me well for my ROTC courses. Thanks to being a Twilight:2000 and Morrow Project player I was familiar with NATO and Warsaw Pact equipment, even to the point of knowing the Russian language names for most of their armored vehicles. This impressed my instructors. My PT scores did not, but I scraped by. I thought I'd found my niche in life- until I got diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and my hopes of an ROTC scholarship were dashed.
One would think a geek like myself would fit in with an organization like STARFLEET - The International Star Trek Fan Association. I did well in SFI, but always felt a bit apart due to the martial manner in which I approached my service. It impressed some, and alienated others. Later, I would serve for a year in the Texas State Guard where I had the opposite problem- my military bearing was a plus, but my status as a non-prior-service member and my struggles with my weight held me back. Not to mention what I now know was an epic example of overconfidence on my part with my work load. I just couldn't do it all at once - so why was I trying?
I've come to understand it's expectations and duty. My family's expectations. Society's expectations. Hell, my own expectations. I actually didn't respect myself very much until the day I swore into the Guard. It's a citizen's duty to serve, I've always told myself, and until the day I could render that service I felt less than complete. Duty is the other part of the equation. My duty to my wife, to my children, to keeping the household running and even to my friends as their club president who is charged with making sure they're entertained two Saturdays a month.
Becoming a Dad had a lot of impact on me. I learned depths of love and selflessness I had never realized were part of my makeup. I learned what stretching myself thin REALLY was, because I had just returned to college mere months before becoming a father of two overnight. I learned that I am not invincible. I learned that I can break. I did.
Thanks to two wonderful counselors, I've started to put myself back together. I've started asking what makes me happy, and that answer is fairly simple. Fatherhood, and gaming. The former is self-explanatory. The latter perhaps bears some elaboration as those who are not gamers might not understand how something that sounds, on the surface, so trivial could be so central to a human's happiness.
Gaming is a creative endeavor. It allows me an outlet through which to express those things I cannot express in any other way. It's sort of like how the original Star Trek could talk about racism or the Vietnam War. Gaming is a social endeavor. My best and closest friends all roll dice with me. Gaming creates a community, and a unique kind of bond that exists nowhere else. The gamers I play with tend to be pretty inclusive - we don't care about your ethnicity, political party, or any other traditionally divisive personal factor.
This is why North Texas RPG Con means so much to me. I used to attend Star Trek conventions, and the Trek and massive Comic Cons of today are money-making juggernauts. People pay money to stand in line to pay money again to get autographs from the actors. I used to dig that quite a bit. But NTRPGCON is different. At NT, I'm not standing in line for autographs and maybe a word or two with an actor. I'm sitting at a table playing with the folks who wrote and illustrated the games I grew up with. The owner of the con, BadMike, is said to lose money on it every year. He runs the con for the love of the community and the original creators who attend the event.
I walk into that hotel, and I'm surrounded by kindred spirits. I get them, they get me. In four days of gaming I roll dice with seven tables worth of people, all of which I have a blast with. We're all comrades in the love of the game, and what's more, we're all celebrating the men and women that made those games happen and in many cases playing alongside them. I've thanked more than one for the products they wrote that thirty years ago back at Chisholm Trail Middle School gave me a place to fit in when I didn't fit in anywhere else.
Last year I met Frank Mentzer and Larry Elmore, the writer and illustrator of the Red Box, the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set, that got me started in the hobby in 1986. This year, I bought a copy of the Red Box to hand down to Zane, and had Frank autograph it for me. He told me that it meant a lot to him to have parents tell him that his game, all these years later, is being taught to the kids of the original generation for which it was written. Well, Frank, it meant a lot to me to have something to turn my creative and imaginative energies to when they weren't all that appreciated anywhere else. And it's an honor to have been able to thank you in person, and toss dice with you last year.
So what is it it's taken me all these years and all these words to realize? That there is zero shame in being a grown-assed adult who rolls dice for fun. That nobody's opinion but my own and that of my fellow gamers matter when it comes to how I spend my spare time and energy. I've spent 30 years putting up with disapproving opinions on my chosen hobby. Why? I don't see the point of a lot of other people's hobbies- but if they enjoy them, more power to them. And so it is with me.
How different is it for me to be able to tell tales my friends and I have collaboratively crafted thirty years after they occurred than it is for any other devotee of any other hobby to share their "fish stories?" What makes any pastime any more valid than any other?
So, NTRPGCON has inspired me. I found a community that I finally fit into without reservation. A group of creative minds that are all there for the same hobby that carried me through what would otherwise have been a pretty bleak adolescence. I can safely ignore the derision and insults of my family and others when I think about crawling wearily to bed after midnight and looking across the atrium to see my friend Dennis rolling up a character and getting ready for a game that took him past 3AM. Dennis, you see, is 76, a PhD, and published author. So... folks who don't think gamers amount to much? You can all stuff it.
Job #1 is Raise My Kids Right. But I've been told that I can't take care of my family unless I take care of myself. So I'm going to do both. Gaming keeps me happy. It also gives me a great tool for inspiring my kids to read, do math, and creatively problem solve. I am so gratified that the high school that used to accuse us of gambling for having dice at lunch now has an actual tabletop gaming club. Zane is learning to read more thanks to our tabletop games, and choose-your-own-adventure books. I'm hoping Kaylee follows suit with a love of reading and adventure.
North Texas RPG Con took me to my happy place two years in a row, and I'm already planning my triumphant return next year with two (or more!) game sessions to run. I want to give back to the con some of the fun it has given others, and GMing a few games will help in that regard.
I am actually feeling pretty content for the first time in ages. My writing is possibly taking off in the next year. My teaching career is set to begin in August or January. Zane and Kaylee are learning, growing and learning to overcome their own issues. Zane has been having a blast at Tae Kwon Do camp. Things are falling into place and I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that I *like* who I am. I didn't turn out to be a career soldier like I thought I would when I was a kid - but that's OK. I'm a dad, and that's the most important job in the world. I'm a teacher, both of my hobbies and as an (adjunct) profession. I'm a creator of worlds and a teller of tales. Nothing makes me smile so much as to hear one of my friends remembering one of the amazing adventures we've had together over the decades.
So, yeah. I'm still working on my weight, and my anxiety/depression, but I'm pretty damn happy to be me for the first time in a good long while. And I'll see you all at the game table.
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